Monday, August 20, 2018

Types of Fertilizers

Types of Fertilizers:
  1. Organic Fertilizer
  2. Inorganic Fertilizer
  3. Chemical Nitrogenous Fertilizer
  4. Phosphate Fertilizer
  5. Potassium Fertilizer
Organic Fertilizer
Organic fertilizer is a great product because it is good for your garden now and later. It will help increase the direct yield of your plants as soon as you start fertilizing, and  also improve the health and long-term productivity of your soil

Most organic fertilizers are made with:
  • animal manure plus
  •   compost
  •  seaweed
  •   peat moss
  •   mineral deposits
  •   and other ingredients from nature

Inorganic Fertilizer:

Inorganic fertilizers are generally used to treat sizable industrial fields because they are cheaper and more easily produced on a large scale than inorganic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizers are also less bulky than organic fertilizers, which allows the plant to carry nutrients more easily from the soil to its leaves and fruits.

Chemical Nitrogenous Fertilizer

The nutrients from the chemical nitrogenous fertilizer are then carried through the ground into the root system of the plant. Chemical nitrogenous fertilizers usually come in the form of white granules or pellets which are used to fertilize the soil before or during planting.

Phosphate Fertilizer

Phosphate fertilizer is good for acidic soils. Obtain organic phosphates or synthetic phosphate fertilizer depending on your needs. Bone meal is usually used to make organic phosphate fertilizer by grinding or steaming. Superphosphate is the chemical version of phosphate fertilizer.
 It comes in three grades: single, triple and dicalcium, and it is usually used during the sowing season.

Potassium Fertilizer

Potassium fertilizers work well in sandy soil to improve the quality of plants and vegetables by increasing the potassium content in inadequate fields. The two main varieties of potassium fertilizer are: 1) sulfate of potash and 2) muriate of potash.


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Disadvantages of Fertilizers

Video Excessive air- and  water -borne nitrogen from fertilizers may cause  respiratory ailments, cardiac disease, and several  can...